You don't have to play tennis to suffer from tennis elbow! The condition earned the name because it's common in tennis players, but any job, sport, or household activity that puts repeated strain on your forearm and wrist can cause it.
The telltale symptom of tennis elbow is a shooting pain in your forearm or wrist. You may also find yourself too weak to hold objects, shake hands, or turn doorknobs. If this sounds familiar, it's time to call
Stitt Chiropractic for a complete diagnosis by a chiropractor with over 20 years of experience. For a free consultation, please call us today or fill out our convenient online form. In our office, we'll conduct a series of tests to see if your pain is caused by tennis elbow or another condition. We use state-of-the-art equipment, including in-office X-rays. We'll explore your symptoms, go over your medical history, discuss your daily activities, and work up a personalized evaluation.
Once we've confirmed that tennis elbow is the cause (or identified another cause), we'll recommend an effective course of treatment. We focus on natural, non-surgical solutions, including chiropractic adjustments, lifestyle changes, exercise, and physical therapy. Call today to start your journey to a pain-free life.
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